Duckpin Bowling at Speeders Chinook

Get Ready for a Fun-Filled Experience.




Ready to Strike Up the Fun?

Duckpin bowling offers a fresh spin on the classic game you know and love. With smaller pins, lightweight balls with no finger holes, and shorter lanes, you'll find yourself facing new challenges that are both fun and unexpectedly competitive. It's an ideal activity for all ages and skill levels, ensuring everyone can join the action.

Experience the Thrills

Duckpin Bowling 101


1. Master Your Grip and Stance: Start by holding the ball with your dominant hand, cradling it gently yet firmly in your palm. Position your feet shoulder-width apart with your non-dominant foot slightly forward. Practice a smooth, consistent release to ensure accuracy.

2. Focus on Consistency Over Power: Aim for a steady approach and release, concentrating on hitting your target accurately rather than throwing the ball with maximum force. Focus on the first pin you want to hit and aim for the center of the lane.

3. Adjust for Pin Action and Lane Conditions: Pay attention to how the pins react to your throws and adjust your strategy accordingly. If you notice that certain pins consistently remain standing, try altering your angle or speed to improve your chances of knocking them down. 

Very fun place to take the family and have some laughs. Definitely worth checking out if you like go karts!
speeders Five Star Testimonials
Adair & Sabrina O'Grady

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